Friday, 28 November 2014

Camera shots analysis- Utopia

Camera Shots


The eye line match shot is used a few times in the scene of Utopia, for instance in the screen shot below the group have their line of sight matched to the boy, Harry, and this is effective because it shows the audience what can be seen by the group. This shot could be used in many ways to show the emotion on the face of the character before showing what they are reacting to. If this is used to show distress or fear on the face of the character it gives the audience time in their minds to think the worst, to try and imagine what it could be. The audience always imagine something much worse than the film could ever produce. Another example of this being used in Channel 4’s series Utopia is also attached to the sheet; the picture of the man looking at the gun. This shot shows Ian, in the background, looking down at the other man’s trousers in shock before cutting to an eye line match of a gun down his waist line.

Establishing shot is used to set the scene, in this particular instance it shows a large majority of the character and the location before it’s even begun. This shot tells the audience what is happening and reminds them of what happened previously.

Shallow focus focuses on the character which is speaking placing importance upon that character. This helps the audience acknowledge who is speaking and who is superior in that certain scene. The shallow focus brings someone to the front and boosts their power and importance. It could also be used to show something behind whilst focusing out the foreground to maybe show someone being followed this type of shot allows for the audience to get an understanding of who is the main character in that scene.

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